domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

wonderful house

General Description:

Do you want a new home without the wait? This family friendly, move-in ready home is offered by us. Across the street from the park, with shopping just blocks away, you have to come and see it. Don't miss this one! Open kitchen and a fabulous backyard. Ready for you and your family.This house is located in a very friendly neighborhood that you must not miss. Stop by our model home in West Prairie Village for details in Sun Prairie.

This is a detached house with two floors, with a very big garden and, apparently, its construction it’s made of wood and concrete. Also, it’s painted in sky-blue, but has a natural brown colour, which is made based in the concrete material, that seems like tile.

At the side of the house, there are a garage that has a white gate and it is opened electrically.

By the way, all its doors are white, except its main door that is the entry of the house, which is black. Also in its facade there are some plants, which gave to the the house a little more colour and life.

As same as the outside, the environment it is peaceful because of its light brown colour, which helps a lot to make us feel very comfortable. The place consists in spacious rooms. Each one of them have lively colours, so every member of the family can enjoy the house.

Now we are going to show you room by room. We hope that you like it!

1-Living Room

This home has two living room. The first to one side of the main entrance, and the second to the side of the dining room, near the kitchen.The first thing that you see when you walk into the house is the living room, a comfortable and pleasant space where receiving visits. This space consists of three small cream-colored sofas, a centre table and two small tables in the corners on each side of the sofa. The floor is carpeted throughout, the walls are painted in cream color, what gives harmony with the colors of the furniture and carpet.


The Kitchen is one of the most modern places in the house and it is right beside the Living Room with a beautiful view of the garden, so you can enjoy the natural light meanwhile you prepare delicious dishes. We can also say that it’s a fully furnitured open Kitchen and has a big storeroom.


The house has one bathroom in each floor. In the first floor we can find a guest toilet that was painted with a dark red color and it create a nice style in whole the restroom. There is a white toilet made of ceramic and a washbasin made of the same material. Also, you have a big mirror and you can see your complete face on it and on the wall is a beautiful picture of flowers. The dark red colour In the second floor is the bathroom

-Children’s room:

Boy room: This room is perfect for your little son, because it is a very spacious room with a big window where can provide an ideal amount of natural light. In front of the window we can find a nice single bed, pillows with different shapes and a beautiful and colorful bedspread. Next to the bed, we can find a brown night table with a pretty lamp on it. We want to mention that this room has a perfect and nice decoration

because it was made according for a little kid.

Girl Room: In this room we can find a single bed for a young girl with a bedspread with a flowers pattern on it, also it has three furnitures for put the necessary things on it, a desk for the study, it has two night tables with a beautiful lamp each one, and a pretty white chest of drawers for the clothes. The bedroom has a big and beautiful bulletin board for to put photos of your family or friends. Also the bedroom has two windows that gives to the room a shiny light. This room is very comfortable and feminine for a young or little girl specially for the color, the natural light and the spacious.

a piece of my story

A winter story

In the midst of August, something weird happened.
One day, i was playing at my computer like any day, when suddenly starts to rain and i got happy a lot, because i love rain and snow. Then i saw the sky and it was so cloudy with grey clouds. So i said – that’s normal -. Some minutes after, like half and hour, it was raining stronger than before, but there was something weird. Meanwhile it was raining, the sun was shining, so i got scared that something were about to happen. My mom stayed with her opened mouth. After all this weird moment, the sky cleared again and the rain stopped.

On this paragraph i had to write about one of my story happened in Winter. It is a short story, but i have improved a little bit my skill about telling things.

what i feel

Winter- sensorial

We can feel the environment of the winter coming, but not to touch it. The environment is full of pure and white snow. We can feel how animals are hidden in trees, getting warm because of the cold streets. Winter is my favourite season because it is when you can go out and drink a cup of coffee with friends or just take a walk with your pet.This season is special to spend time with your family. I can feel the cold air as a fresh air.Winter makes us feel good in the morning and at night. You get happy if you feel your body cold; it doesn’t matter if you can’t get warm and because you can realize that the season makes you enjoy the moment.

The paragraph was useful for me because I could learn how to describe things that I had never noticed before. I really appreciated the way that I described the winter. It is something comfortable for me



Winter is my favorite season because I like the cold environment, the classes ending, people buying many things for Christmas and New Year. This season is really comfortable because if you are cold, you can wear a jacket or drink a cup of coffee or tea. The season makes me feel happy, it has a particular characteristic that you can feel warmed and fine with you. Also you can go buy with your friends, wait the Christmas with family and buy gifts for everyone. All this is very funny and you get to love it. After you buy gifts, your family will be waiting for you to dinner and through the streets until your house, you can see how people feel for the season.

Until this moment, I have improved a lot and the teacher said that I have to keep improving anyway. 


There were two Octopuses in a tank full of water who were living relaxed.
But, one day, a man got in the market, took the pink fish to the truck, leaving the other fish alone. Then, he left the market.
The male octopus was very impresived and angry. it didn't think to stay there doing anything, so it started to follow him, and while the man was driving along the city, the truck went faster and faster everytime, but he crashed against a wall and the two animals got the freedom from his hands. They got together again and tried to escape from the truck and go to the sea together, but the man caught them again but he lost the control of the truck and fell, while the two fish were saved by the clothes hanging betweens two apartment. They were safe until a gull caught the male octopus and the female fish, very angry, uses  the clothes dryers to push and jumped to rescue him. Doing the same thing that the male fish did.

I chose this video about Octopuses because it made me thought how brave you can be for someone . So I had to write a story about that. It was difficult to write all the ideas in order but I got focus, because i knew that it was difficult for me on writing this.

what my mother is for me

Psychological description

My mom s so funny and sometimes serious, but she always has the right thought about something.
It is considered a strong woman, with a strong personality, if she has something to say, she will say it. She faces you, it doesn’t matter how you are. My mother is the best partner in my life or I have ever had before, because she always support me. Sometimes, she is always a surely woman.
She has a unique way to see the life. She never gives up and she can understand other people if they are having problems, she is a comprehensible people. She likes hearing people. Sometimes, this woman comes into a lovely people, she likes to hug other with no reasons.

This short paragraph made me understand to my mother more than I do now. I could learn how to describe psychologically a person and taught me that I should appreciate her even more than I do now.

my mom

Physical description

  My wonderful mother
My special mother has long wavy black hair, with wide forehead, tired eyelashes, brown eyes, which show happiness. Her cheeks are rounded and her nose is a small one. She has a small mouth with narrow lips like they keep one secret. This woman had a rounded and small chin. Her skin is so smooth, with some freckles and a little birth mark, brown skin.
 She does not have a large neck, it is just a normal size, it seems like a log, not so wide.
My mother has a bust younger than she is, not so big and not too small.  Her arms are medium compared with other people. She has medium legs, like a girl and her feet are small for her age.

On this kind of paragraph I learned how to describe a person starting from a certain part of the body. It was difficult to me because it was my first time describing someone, put the correct punctuation and write every part of the body.

just me

Night person

I prefer to study at night. I can be focused at night because it is quiet and you can be relaxed and have more inspiration without noises. I can be at the computer for hours playing video games or chatting with some friends. At this hours, i like to drink a cup of coffee or tea to spend meanwhile i am drawing anything that my brain can imagine. To spend hours and hours drawing or talking with my cousins. Sometimes, i get relaxed at the moment that I start drawing until my eyelashes are tired and I fall asleep.

In this paragraph I learned how to describe a moment or situation, i can notice how I work better at night, how I can feel relaxed drawing and my brain can be with me when I need it.

Material Milagroso

La sociedad de grafeno

Desde tiempos atrás hasta ahora se cree que ya estamos en el futuro, pero por lo visto no es así. Aún existen productos deficientes, grandes consumos de energía, contaminación y productos eficaces en su uso. Se cree que podría venir a renovar todo lo que se ha destruido y mejoraría lo que aún no tiene solución. ¿Podrá ser que el grafeno llegará a convertirse en el material que dependería la vida en el futuro?
Hoy, algunos productos tienen mala calidad o  son deficientes, los recursos energéticos son explotados por las personas y sus artefactos consumidores y además de otros problemas.
El grafeno, el material que es el más flexible, buen conductor, resistente, duradero, regenerativo, etcétera, vendrá a solucionar varias de estas problemáticas como por ejemplo: reduciría la contaminación; Ahorros de energías, Mayor durabilidad de los artefactos y la creación de tecnología inteligente.

El grafeno material que  vendrá  a purificar y descontaminar  el aire y los mares en nuestro planeta llenos de contaminación.
El equipo del Instituto de Materiales de la Universidad de Australia y la Universidad de París, han logrado desarrollar láminas de grafeno blanco que tienen características muy peculiares e interesantes con respecto a este material, por ello, podrían cumplir las mismas funciones que una lámina de grafeno común. “La eliminación eficaz de aceites disolventes orgánicos y tintes del agua es de significativa importancia mundial para la protección del medio ambiente y de las fuentes de agua(Dr. Wei Wei Lei, Becario postdoctoral de la Universidad de Deakin; 2010)
  En la actualidad, uno de los problemas más graves medioambientales es la contaminación de las aguas por aceites, disolventes orgánicos y colorantes. Como ejemplo tenemos el caso del Prestige, que sucedió hace una década, con el que se produjo uno de los desastres ecológicos más importantes de la historia de España y el más reciente de la plataforma de BP en el Golfo de Florida. (Fuentes:;
  Ahorro de energía
En relación con la energía, el beneficio del grafeno podría resultar muy provechoso y notable para un cambio en el consumo de energía del planeta en el que habitamos, ya que no perderemos nuestro tiempo cargando nuestras baterías.
La idea viene desde el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Fotónicas (IFCO), en Barcelona. Allí los científicos, en cooperación con colegas de Estados Unidos, de Alemania y País Vasco, han concluido y afirmado que el grafeno es capaz de convertir una partícula de luz en múltiples electrones que pueden conducir corriente eléctrica. Este prometedor hallazgo convierte el grafeno en una importante alternativa para la tecnología de energía solar, actualmente basada en semiconductores convencionales como el silicio”, explican los expertos del IFCO. Por ejemplo, se puede ocupar en cualquier dispositivo que requiera convertir la luz en electricidad, ya sean celulares, computadores, televisores, paneles solares etc. (Fuentes ; )

  Mayor durabilidad de artefactos
En el caso de muchos consumidores de aparatos electrónicos, tales como: celulares, computadores, audífonos, televisores, etcétera; se piensan en cómo pueden ser más duraderos de lo que ya son, que al caer no se rompa la pantalla o que sufra algún daño. Ese esperado sueño de las películas de ficción ya  no estaría demasiado lejos de la realidad.
Con las propiedades de flexibilidad del grafeno, se podría doblar, adherir a los brazos, entre otros aspectos, siendo una lámina transparente y muy resistente. Por ejemplo, celulares con pantallas OLED, material de tipo flexible y delgado el cual se puede ajustar en superficies dinámicas, que podrían doblarse al antojo de cada uno; ya sea, para ver una película, usar alguna aplicación, etc. “Estiman que el desarrollo de redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas ultra veloces, o de dispositivos ultra precisos de diagnóstico médico por imagen podrían no estar disponibles hasta finales de la década de 2020”, afirman los investigadores y descubridores de la Universidad de Manchester, Londres, Novoselov y Geim.  (Fuentes: ; )

   Tecnología inteligente

 Aunque se puede pensar que los procesadores de los computadores no pueden soportar algunos juegos, que los refrigerados solo sirven para almacenar alimentos y los celulares para llamar, escuchar música, etc. Ahora llegaría el grafeno el cual podría hacer más que solo eso.

El material milagroso vendría para mejorar todos los dispositivos actuales, para darles un mejor uso y entregarnos una mejor calidad de vida, para dar recetas cuando de un toque en el refrigerador, para que tú propia casa absorba energía al ser pintada o esté conectada a internet y estemos más interconectados en distintas partes del mundo. “Está cambiando todo muy deprisa, y es de esperar que pronto se mejoren los procedimientos y sean más baratos”, anuncia Francisco Guinea., físico teórico del instituto de Ciencias de Material del CSIC, España, “Toda superación de hoy es el gran logro del mañana”, afirma el doctor en física, Cesar Romero. (Fuentes: ; ; )

En síntesis, se puede confirmar que el grafeno formará parte de todas nuestras necesidades, nuestros trabajos, nuestro vivir, en su conjunto será parte de nuestra sociedad. Tiene una variedad de características útiles para nuestro beneficio que facilitaran nuestras vidas y mejorará considerablemente la economía y la salud de la tierra. Si bien, como toda excepción, el material presenta sus defectos, pero son detalles que pueden solucionarse a corto o mediano plazo; este es un material que tiene más virtudes que desventajas.

Podremos ver cómo cambiará nuestra vida, nuestra forma de trabajar y la forma de aprovechar la energía que nos dará este increíble material, el grafeno.